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C3JV Conservation
Planning and Policy

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The 2022 C3JV Implementation Plan presents the socio-ecological planning, conservation implementation and evaluation processes that will guide the work of our joint venture, outlining goals, initiatives, and strategies that address the needs of birds, other wildlife and people on the Central Coast. We invite your thoughts, contributions and suggestions as we continue to strengthen our planning foundation. Please reach out with comments to Connor Jandreau.

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The C3JV Scoping Document was the original vision put forth by partners over the course of numerous workshops, leading up to the launch of the C3JV in 2020.  While the Implementation Plan will ultimately supplant the Scoping Document, this historical framing offers an important starting point in the visioning of the California Central Coast Joint Venture. 

JEDI in the C3JV


Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are principles taking center stage in social discourse today. In conservation, these principles have been so often and mistakenly set aside as secondary to the mission of protecting biodiversity and safeguarding land. While definitively linked to the Human Wellbeing goals approached by the C3JV, further elaborated here, the Joint Venture is committed to advancing these principles as we grow our staff, Board, and committees and engage with existing and new partners. 

Local and State

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California State Wildlife Action Plan

Regional and National

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

California Partners in Flight Plans

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