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The C3JV’s creation story begins, in earnest, in the early 2000’s when a core group of individuals including Shawn Milar, Renee Spence, Mary Root and David Pashley initiated discussion with local partners to fill in the last remaining gap in Joint Venture coverage across the United States. Having orchestrated the launch of at least six Joint Ventures across the country, David's shared vision for the Central Coast was similar- through the JV model strengthen synergies across jurisdictions to improve outcomes for birds and people. Fast forward to 2020, under the mandate of unanimous support from over 30 partners, the C3JV was launched with the formation of a Management Board, bylaws, and the hiring of a full-time coordinator.  The launch was a culmination of need, timing and leadership; responding to a ubiquitous call to elevate the unique richness of the Central Coast while also recognizing the urgency facing a community bruised by drought and megafires. The partnership continues to grow as regional representatives from Federal, State, Tribal, academic, and non-profit entities join under the banner of the C3JV and its commitment to landscape scale conservation that advances human and ecological wellbeing in the Central Coast.  



The C3JV Management Board embodies vision and leadership, charged with guiding the policies and directives of the organization to accomplish the mission. Members of the Board include representatives from federal, tribal and state agencies, academic institutions and non-profit conservation organizations, all of whom are interested in advancing landscape-scale conservation actions for the betterment of ecosystems and communities within the boundaries of the C3JV. Contact Connor Jandreau to learn more about the board or how to become involved.


Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


Connor Jandreau - Conservation Coordinator


Originally raised in western Colorado, the traditional territory of the Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute) peoples, Connor has traversed widely across the intermountain west and internationally seeking to contribute meaningfully to human-land relationships. His work has largely focused on the nexus between community and conservation, striving for answers to the elusive adage of living on the land ‘without spoiling it.’ He is motivated by models of land use that bridge human well-being and biodiversity conservation. As the Conservation Coordinator of the California Central Coast Joint Venture, he works with partners to envision strategies that strengthen outcomes for birds, wildlife and people. Connor earned a B.A. in studio art, a B.S. in fish, wildlife and conservation biology, both from Colorado State University and an M.S. in Natural Resource Management from the University of Manitoba, Canada.


Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Gregor Yanega - Conservation Program Director


Gregor grew up in the forested, cloudscapes of the Pacific Northwest, the lands of the S’Puyalupubsh (Puyallup) peoples.  Beginning with an avid interest in natural history and ornithology, it was a small step forward to embark on a career in conservation biology and land stewardship.  These disciplines focused his efforts to build better, multifunctional environments where humans and wildlife meet.  In his capacity with the California Central Coastal Joint Venture, Gregor works to support the diversity and beauty of the central coast by finding enduring and sustainable ways to help birds and humans thrive together.  With a BSc from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA and a PhD in Evolutionary Ecology from the University of Connecticut, Gregor has broad interdisciplinary training in ecology, organismal biology, and the making of little books.



In order to accomplish our objectives, the California Central Coast Joint Venture works with a wide range of partners including non-profit, academic, local, state, and national government organizations. Visit our Projects Page for more information on some of the ways in which the C3JV and partners are working to advance the mission of conservation that works for birds, other wildlife and people on the Central Coast. 



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A Geography of Alliances.


Strengthening Joint Venture coverage in the Central Coast

The C3JV geography is a quilt of jurisdictions, landforms, histories and culture.  Perhaps in reflecting this complexion, the C3JV geography is also an amalgamation of Joint Venture regions, with overlapping alliances between neighboring Joint Ventures (JV) in an effort to strengthen the representation by JVs in these socio-ecologically important regions. 

The C3JV is allied with the Sonoran Joint Venture within the Point Conception and northern Santa Barbara/Ventura County region. This alliance region marks an important transition zone with the Transverse Range demarcating an ecological shift terrestrially, and the Southern California Bight mirroring this transition in the California Current System.  This region also includes important waterways such as the Santa Ynez River, one of the most northerly strongholds for the Least Bell’s Vireo, as well as the Santa Maria River Valley, an incredibly rich floodplain with significant conservation needs.  The C3JV has established partnerships with the Department of Defense, The Nature Conservancy, The Environmental Office of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians, as well as the Western Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, all of whom have interest in this region.


The C3JV is also allied with the Central Valley Joint Venture along the eastern boundary of Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties.  Of course, this ecological hotpot hosts the Carrizo Plains, Temblor and Caliente Ranges; a landscape of California endemic flora and fauna, and a suite of highly threatened wildlife.  

By working together within these spaces of overlap and across the Pacific Flyway as a whole, our respective Joint Ventures reinforce the notion of cross-boundary collaboration as one of the most important factors advancing migratory bird conservation.  You can read our Statement of Alliance here. 

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Highlighting our Photographers 

Dave Keeling: 
 Dave's imagery of birds in California's Central Coast have elevated the C3JV's ability to communicate and inspire visitors to our website and published media. As an avid birder, Dave has an exceptional talent in capturing those moments of intimacy birds timidly display.  Coupled with his generosity sharing his talents for the inspiration of others, Dave has dully earned the full gratitude of the C3JV. Thank you Dave for gifting us the imagery of the birdlife of the Central Coast.

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Jim Dougherty: 
 The C3JV extends a huge thanks to Jim for his immense donation of time and talent supporting the Joint Venture through capturing the 10,000 foot imagery of a landscape full of beauty and stewardship need. As an environmental lawyer, Jim has dedicated his life to environmental advocacy, deftly on display again in the sweeping imagery found throughout the site. 

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A Special thanks to Lighthawk for their tremendous support not only in coordinating our reconnaissance and photography missions in the C3JV, but to an organization dedicated to advancing conservation outcomes throughout the Americas. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Lighthawk, and pilots like Mark Dedon, for whom service to conservation is second nature.

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