rom the heart of the redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains, to the condor flyways of Pinnacles National Park, to the pelagic waters of the California Current, the California Central Coast Joint Venture's (C3JV) mission is to work through inclusive partnerships advancing strategies that steward healthy and resilient habitats for birds, other wildlife and people.
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​​Our Vision
As a voluntary, cooperative, regional partnership composed of federal, tribal, and state entities working with nonprofit organizations, private industry, land stewards, and academia, the C3JV is delivering conservation through locally-derived approaches to further a vision of the Central Coast as a thriving community where our lands and waters are shared among birds, other wildlife and people in a relationship of mutual wellbeing.

The C3JV Region
California’s Central Coast boasts superlative ecological diversity, ranging from the southern extent of old-growth redwoods, the state’s largest stands of coastal oak woodlands, to some of earth’s rarest dune ecosystems. The rich complexion of soil regimes, geophysical variation, climatic factors and millennia of human land uses have resulted in this complexity of natural communities, in turn supporting some of the highest measures of biodiversity and endemism in North America.
The region includes portions of what are known today as San Mateo, San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Kern, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties-- the sacred homelands of Indigenous Chumash, Hokan and Penutian Linguistic groups. The C3JV region is also a composition of Joint Venture Alliances....
What are Joint Ventures
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures work through partnerships to conserve habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people. Joint Ventures (JVs) are governed by a Management Board composed of key representatives of organizations that form the partnership. Through committees, JVs develop strategies, plans and actions to advance the on-the-ground conservation efforts, in part supported by annual appropriations by Congress. These funds, administered through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are paired with other federal and non-federal dollars, and through this successful model, JV partnerships have leveraged every dollar of Congressional funds 31:1 to help conserve 27 million acres of essential habitat for birds and other wildlife. Since the North American Waterfowl Management Plan called for their establishment in 1986, (JVs) have grown to cover nearly all of the U.S. and Canada, and much of Mexico. There is but one spot left in the continental United States without a JV, the Central Coast of California. The C3JV aims to address that gap.
A Synergistic Approach.
Humans are embedded in ecosystems, demanding a conservation approach that embraces the social, political, economic and cultural elements that influence our relationships with land, water and wildlife. In the purposeful curation of conservation actions that address social and ecological wellbeing needs, the C3JV aims to further broaden the terrain of conservation as a path to reimagining, and rediscovering these relationships.
Human Wellbeing
Ecological Wellbeing
Inclusive Conservation: pursuing conservation actions that frame people as essential stewards responsible for the ecological community we are part
The executive summary provides a shorthand to our guiding document steering the conservation and human wellbeing priorities of the Joint Venture. For the full plan, go to resources

Conservation Tools
A collection of resources and links to other conservation planning, design and related materials
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Contact Us
Connor Jandreau
Conservation Coordinator
California Central Coast Joint Venture
1 Grand Ave,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
© 2023 by California Central Coast Joint Venture